Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions for
using uniquesim All the things you need to know now that
you’re using our network and service.

August 2020

1 Who’s who and what’s what 1.1 When we say:
(a) ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, we mean Unique Global Communications Limited trading as uniquesim a reseller of
Telefonica and Vodafone related products and services.
(b) ‘you’ or ‘your’, we mean you, the customer
(c) ‘agreement’, we mean your agreement with us.
1.2 The glossary, found at the end of these terms, lists some useful definitions we use in these
2 About your agreement Your agreement is made up of these Terms and Conditions and your Price Guide
2.1 Additional terms may apply to any promotional or special offers from time to time.
2.2 Your agreement is personal to you. You’re obliged to do what you’ve contracted to do unless
we write and say you can do something outside this agreement. Unless we give you permission

(acting reasonably), you can’t pass your rights or responsibilities to anyone else – even if we
give you more than one SIM or you give your device to others. It’s your responsibility to make
sure the SIMs are only used to access our service, as permitted in this agreement.
2.3 This agreement doesn’t cover:
(a) Products or services you buy while using our service; or
(b) The supply of your device (uniquesim does not supply devices, and manufacturers aren’t
related to us).
3 Variations to your agreement or prices 3.1 We may vary any of the terms of your agreement, including our Plans, or prices, on the
following basis:
(a) Any updated Plans and new terms will be available on our website, or by request to our

Customer Service team;
(b) We’ll let you know at least one month in advance if we decide to:
(i) discontinue your Plan; or
(ii) make any variations to your agreement which are (in our reasonable opinion) likely to be of
material detriment to you.
3.2 You’re free to stop using our service if we make such variations, but if you carry on using our
service after any variation or change, you’ll be deemed to have accepted the variation.
4 What we’ll provide for you – a phone number and SIM 4.1 We’ll open an account for you and provide you with a SIM and a phone number (and we may

agree to provide you with additional SIMs and phone numbers on request).
4.2 Each SIM remains our property at all times. You’re being allowed to use the SIM by us on a

limited license to enable you to access our service, in accordance with the terms of this
agreement. We may recall the SIM(s) at any time for upgrades, modifications, misuse or when
your agreement ends. You can only use the SIM to obtain service from us.
4.3 Each SIM may only be used in devices which are enabled for our service and are authorised by
us for connection to our network partners. Any attempt to use the SIM in other devices may
result in serious damage to the device and may prevent you from being able to use it, including

the making of emergency calls. In these instances, we are not responsible for any such damage
or usage problems.
4.4 If you have an active number customer, you can move your existing number to us with a
Porting Authorisation Code (PAC). Once we’ve verified these details, we’ll tell you the date
when your number will be moved. If the move is delayed and is our fault, you may be entitled to
compensation in the form of a one-off reimbursement of a portion of your charges. Contact our
Customer Service team to find out more.
The service
4.5 Once you’re connected to uniquesim:
(a) We’ll provide you with access to our service.
(b) Premium Services (including but not limited to premium SMS, premium voice, short codes,

carrier billing (also known as charge to bill or pay for it) are not available with uniquesim.
(c) You can make international calls and roam abroad with uniquesim. To do so, you will need to
activate full-service setting; this might require additional service fees, fees will be available on
(d) You can make free calls to emergency services from your phone by calling 999 or 112.
(i) when you’re outside of our coverage area in the UK, your phone will try to locate another

mobile network so that you can try to contact the emergency service (however, neither your
mobile telephone number or your location data will be transmitted in these circumstances).
(ii) Emergency service calls cannot be made using Skype (or certain other voice over IP services)

on your phone
– if you do wish to call the emergency services, you’ll need to make a normal voice call from your

(iii) if you have difficulties hearing or are speech impaired and you need emergency assistance, you

can send a text message with details of your location to 999 or 112 – the text will be converted
and passed to the appropriate emergency service but you’ll need to register your phone before
you can use this service – details on how to do this are available at emergencysms.org.uk
(e) If you have a device, other than a phone, capable of making telephone calls, you may be able to
use this to make free calls to Emergency Service in the UK by calling 999 or 112, however your
Location Data may not be transmitted to the Emergency service provider
4.6 Emergency service in these circumstances.
You may also be able to upload and send your own content using our service. You grant us an
irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual and worldwide licence to store, transmit or otherwise deal
with any content you upload. All content will be dealt with in line with our privacy policy.
4.7 We may:
(a) Change or withdraw some, or part, of our services from time to time. This may be because of
changing technologies, obsolescence, new or different product features, changing content
providers or the need to remove, replace or modify content. Depending upon the changes that
are made, you may have a right to end this agreement, as explained in Sections 4 and 10.
(b) Also change how our services are presented and delivered to your device or are otherwise
made available to you. We can change the way they’re presented, delivered or otherwise made
available to you at any time.
Limitation of uniquesim service
4.8 We’ll always try to make our service available to you. However, our services are only available
within our coverage area in the UK and abroad. Within this, there may be areas where you
don’t have access to all of our services, or where coverage is otherwise limited or unavailable.
For more information about coverage, take a look at uniquesim.co.uk/single-package
Disruption to uniquesim Services
4.9 There may be situations when our services are not continuously available or the quality is
affected, so we can’t guarantee continuous fault-free service. For instance:
(a) When we need to perform upgrades, maintenance or other work on our network partners
(b) When you move outside our 3G/4G service area while you’re on a call (in this case calls may
not be maintained);
(c) When you’re in areas not covered by our network. In these cases, our service relies on other
operators’ networks where we have no control; and
(d) Because of factors outside our control, such as the features or functionality of your device,
regulatory requirements, lack of capacity, interruptions to service from other suppliers, faults
in other communication networks, the weather or radio interference caused by hills, tunnels or
other physical obstructions.

5. What you’ll do in return Personal-Security 5.1 As we own the SIM and it remains our property, you must ensure that you keep the SIM safe
and secure while it’s in your possession and you must ensure that you’re able to return it to us, if

5.2 You must keep all PINs and passwords secure and confidential.
5.3 You should immediately change your PIN or password if you become aware that someone is
accessing service on your account without your permission.

Responsible use – How you use our service
5.4 You may only use uniquesim Services: As laid out in this agreement; and
5.5 For your own personal use. This means you must not resell or commercially exploit any of our
services or content. You must not use uniquesim Services, the SIM or uniquesim phone number or
allow anyone else to use our services, the SIM or uniquesim phone number for illegal or improper
uses. For example:

(a) For fraudulent, criminal or other illegal activity
(b) In any way which breaches another person’s rights, including copyright or other intellectual
property rights
(c) To copy, store, modify, publish or distribute our services or their content, except where we give
you permission
(d) To download, send or upload content of an excessive size, quantity or frequency. We’ll contact
you if your use is excessive;
(e) In any way which breaches any security or other safeguards or in any other way which harms
or interferes with our network, the networks or systems of others or our services; or
(f) To use or provide to others any directory or details about our customers.
5.6 You must co-operate with us and follow our reasonable instructions to ensure the proper use
and security of your account. This includes (but is not limited to) any instructions from us to update the
settings on your device in which you’re using our SIM.
5.7 If anyone makes, or threatens to make, any claim or issue legal proceedings against you
relating to your use of our services, you’ll notify us of this immediately and, at our request,

immediately stop the act or acts complained of. If we ask you to, you must confirm the details of the
claim(s) in writing.
5.8 We may publish an acceptable use policy and a traffic management policy which will provide
more details about the rules for use of certain our Service in order to ensure that:
(a) The use of our service is not excessive;
(b) To combat fraud; and
(c) Where the service we offer, or may introduce, require certain rules to ensure they can be
enjoyed by our customers. If we publish a policy, we’ll let you know. Such a policy may be amended
from time to time, for instance, if we discover that our service is being used for fraudulent purposes, or

excessive use of our service is causing problems for us, our systems, or for other users, or if we
introduce new services which require certain rules to ensure that such new services can be enjoyed by
our customers. Again, we will let you know if this happens.
Responsible use – How you use the Messaging Service
5.9 While using the Messaging Service, you must not send or upload:
(a) Anything that is copyright protected, unless you have permission
(b) Bulk or commercial communications or other unauthorised communications, or knowingly
send any viruses; or
(c) Anything that is obscene, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing, harassing, threatening or
is unlawful in any other way.
5.10 We may put limits on the use of certain services, such as Messaging Services. For example, we
may limit the size of messages or storage space.
5.11 While we have no obligation to monitor the Messaging Service, if you use the service in a
manner that we deem contrary to normal consumer activities, we reserve the right to stop your
service without notice. You may still be charged for any content which is blocked or removed.
Responsible use – How you use Age Restricted Service
5.12 If you’re under 18, you’re not permitted to access our Age Restricted Service. If you’re 18 or
over and you access the Age Restricted Service, you must not show or send content from the Age
Restricted Service to anyone under 18. You must also ensure that you have deactivated any access to
Age Restricted Service if you let anyone under 18 use your device.
5.13 You accept that we cannot control access to Age Restricted Services obtained over WiFi.
Responsible use – How you use uniquesim Services outside the UK
5.14 If you use uniquesim Services from a country outside the UK:
(a) Your use of the uniquesim Services may be subject to laws and regulations that apply in that
other country. We’re not liable for your failure to comply with those laws or regulations.
(b) You will be roaming on another operator’s network so:
i) you may not receive the same level of coverage and speed as you’re used to on the uniquesim
network. We have no liability if you are not able to access services abroad, or if the quality of any other
operator’s network services differs from those provided on the uniquesim network and;
ii) we accept no responsibility for information processing when it leaves our control.
(c) If you’re travelling in the EU:
i) you will be subject to our data fair use limit of 25GB each month
ii) you will receive a notification when you reach 80% of your 20GB limit and once it’s reached. If
you need more data you can purchase a Data Add-on, if required.
5.15 You can use your unused Data Add-on in the UK or you can use it next time you need it to
5.16 You may accidentally roam if you’re in an area close to national borders because your Device
picks up a network signal across the border. If this is the case then you may be charged as if you were
roaming on an international network.
Paying your Charges
5.17 If you are on a lower then Unlimited data discount plans. If you choose or upgrade your plan to
a big data plan (eg. Unlimited plan) you will benefit once you have completed a full month usage. for
unused data on your next bill.
5.18 Where applicable, any credit or allowances contained on your account will be reduced each
time you use or incur Charges for uniquesim services. You may only use Add-ons to obtain credit or
allowances for access to uniquesim services that are outside your Plan. Add-ons and any credit or
allowance on your account are not redeemable for cash under any circumstances.
5.19 Add-ons are automatically activated on your account upon request .
5.20 Add-ons will not expire as long as your account is active. The add-ons will remain active until
request for removal is received and acknowledged.
5.21 If you use your device to buy goods and services from third parties, you’re responsible for
paying any bills they may send to you.
5.22 To protect you against fraud, we may place limits on the amount of credit that can be activated
on your account. We may vary these limits from time to time.

6 Your Rights – Complaints 6.1 If you’re unhappy about any aspect of our service, you should contact Customer Services.
6.2 We’ll investigate any complaint in accordance with our customer complaints code, after which
we’ll contact you with the results. A copy of our customer complaints code can be viewed on our
website at uniquesim.com /making-a-complaint or you can request a copy by contacting uniquesim. If we are
unable to resolve your complaint, you may, depending on the nature of your complaint, be entitled to
ask Ombudsman Service: Communications to consider your complaint for you. Their website address
is: ombudsman-services.org. Alternatively, if your complaint is about a purchase you made online and
we have been unable to resolve your concerns through our complaints process, you can submit your

complaint through the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform, which can be found
at the following website address: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ See Section 12 for information about
data protection and privacy complaints.

7 Our Rights – Intellectual Property 7.1 All rights, including copyright in our service and their content, belong to us, or our licensed
source, such as a content provider. We reserve all our rights.
7.2 The ‘uniquesim’ branding including all related images, logos and names on our service are
proprietary marks of our group of companies. We reserve all our rights.

8 Suspension of your service 8.1 We may Suspend any or all of our services you use without notice if:
(a) We reasonably believe you have provided us with false or misleading details about yourself as
set out in Section 12;
(b) We advise you that your excessive use of our services (as may be defined in accordance with
Section 5.8 above) is causing problems for other users, and you’re continuing to use our services
(c) We believe your SIM has been lost, stolen or is being used in a way not permitted by this
(d) We reasonably believe that you have used our services, the SIM(s) or a uniquesim phone
number for illegal or improper purposes in contravention of our responsible use requirements in
Section 5 above;
(e) We receive a serious complaint against you which we believe to be genuine (for example, if we
receive a complaint that you’re using our services in any of the ways prohibited in Sections 5.5, 5.9 and
5.12). If this happens, we’ll deal with the complaint in the manner set out in Section 6; or
(f) We’re required to suspend your service by the emergency services or other government
(g) You have not activated an Add-on on your account or undertaken any chargeable events or
activities (for example, made telephone calls, sent text or photo messages, accessed content or the

internet or any other our services for which a charge is made) using any credit or allowance on your
account within the preceding 6 month period. If you do not have an Active Add-on on your account,
your phone will continue to be capable of receiving incoming calls for the periods set out in the Price
Guide and other customer documentation; and/or
(h) If your account balance drops below zero and you have failed to purchase and activate an add-
on or otherwise make a payment to us to clear such negative balance.
15.2 If we suspend any or all of your services, you’ll still be able to make emergency calls (unless
they’ve been suspended at the request of the emergency services).
8.2 If your service is suspended, we may agree to re-connect you if you ask us to do so and there may
be a re-connection charge for this.

8.3 If your service is suspended, we may agree to re-connect you if you ask us to do so and there may
be a re-connection charge for this.

9 Ending this agreement and Disconnection of your service 9.1 You may end this agreement by stopping your use of service at any time.
9.2 We may end this agreement in the following ways:
(a) On 30 days’ notice. We can end this agreement by giving you at least 30 days’ notice. Your
agreement will finish at the expiry of the 30-day notice period or a later date which we specify.
(b) For non-use or non-payment of your service. We will terminate your service if you have not
purchased a plan, within the preceding 6-month period. We will contact you 40 days before we
Disconnect, where you’ll have the opportunity to keep your account live by purchasing a new plan. We
Disconnect you for non-use of service as set out in this section any unused credits or allowances on
Add-ons remaining on your account on Disconnection will be forfeited.
(c) Because of your conduct. In the following cases, we may end your agreement immediately:
(i) if we have the right to Suspend your service on any of the grounds in Section 9 and we believe
that the grounds are serious and have not been, or are unlikely to be, rectified;
(ii) if we believe that your communications or actions with regard to our Customer Support or any
of our retailers or agents, or your use of our service, are jeopardising the operation of the network, or
are of an unacceptable nature; or
(iii) in the event of your death.
(iv) where you have used the service in a way not consistent with the ordinary use of a consumer.
9.3 No network access for our service. We may end your agreement if we no longer have access to
other operators’ networks which we need to provide our service, or if we are no longer able to provide
our service due to factors beyond our control or because we cease business. If reasonably possible

under these circumstances, we’ll endeavour to provide you with such notice as is practical.

10 Effect of this agreement ending 10.1 If this agreement ends, we’ll close your account and Disconnect you and you’ll not be able to
use our service. In addition, you’ll lose your phone number unless you have made a request for your

number to be ported prior to Disconnection.
10.2 If we end the agreement due to your conduct, then any unused credits or allowances will be
11 Liability – Limits on our liability 11.1 All of our obligations to you relating to our service are set out in this agreement. If you wish to
make any variations to this agreement or rely on any other term, you must obtain our agreement to
the variation or term in writing.
11.2 Except as set out in 11.3:
(a) All other terms, conditions and warranties relating to our service are excluded;
(b) Our entire liability to you for something we do or don’t do will be limited to 12 months services
costs based on services we have supplied to you not exceeding £250.00 for one claim or a series of
related claims; and
(c) We are not liable for any loss of income, business or profits, or for any loss or corruption of
data in connection with the use of our service. We are not liable for any loss or damage that was not
reasonably foreseeable when you entered into the agreement.
11.3 Nothing in this agreement removes or limits our liability for fraud, for death or personal injury
caused by our negligence or for any liability which can’t be limited or excluded by applicable law. If
you’re a consumer, the terms of this agreement will not affect any statutory rights which you have,
which cannot be excluded by this agreement. For more information on your statutory rights, contact
your local authority Trading Standards Department or Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
Our service – areas where we have no responsibility
11.4 We’ll try to ensure the accuracy, quality and timely delivery of our service. However:
(a) We accept no responsibility for any use of, or reliance on, our services or their content, or for
any disruptions to, or any failures or delays in, our service. This includes, without limitation, any alert
service or virus detection service; and
(b) Subject to Section 11.3 we do not make any representations as to the accuracy,
comprehensiveness, completeness, quality, currency, error free nature, compatibility, security or
fitness for purpose of our service or their content.
They’re provided to you on an ‘as is’ basis; and
11.5 We’ll not be liable:
(a) For any loss you may incur as a result of someone using your PINs or passwords, with, or
without, your knowledge; or
(b) If we cannot carry out our duties, or provide our service, because of something beyond our
Others’ content and service – areas where we have no responsibility.
11.6 You may be able to use our service:
(a) To upload, email or transmit content using our service; and
(b) To access content which is branded or provided by others and to acquire goods and service
from others. Where we provide you with such access, all we do is transmit the content to you and we
do not prepare or exercise control over the content, goods or service. We are not responsible or liable
in any way for, and do not endorse, any of this content, goods or service.
11.7 This Section 11 will apply even after this agreement has ended

12 Privacy Notice and Your Information 12.1 We’ll only use your personal information in accordance with this notice and applicable UK data
protection and privacy legislation. Please read all of this notice and feel free to contact us at the
address below with any questions.
12.2 Whenever you provide us with personal information about yourself you agree that it will be
true, complete and accurate. You must tell us if this information changes.
12.3 If you provide us with information about another individual you must have their agreement to
do so or be acting with legal authority.
12.4 If we reasonably believe that you have supplied us with false or inaccurate information, or if we
suspect fraud, we may delay your Connection or suspend your access to our service until an

investigation has been completed to our satisfaction.
12.5 ‘Your Information’
(a) By ‘Your Information’ we mean information that you give us or that we obtain about you as a
result of any application or registration for, and use of our service. It may include your name, current
and previous address(es), date of birth, telephone and fax numbers, gender, email address,
employment and lifestyle information, bank and credit or debit card information, and information
obtained from credit reference and fraud prevention agencies, marketing organisations and those who
provide service to us, and may include information from other countries.
(b) While you’re a customer of ours, we’ll also acquire and process information about your use of
our service, including Location Data, your Communications Data, your phone telephone number, the
unique code identifying your phone and SIM, and your account information including contact history
(c) Some of the information we collect about you may be classified as ‘sensitive’ (such as visual or
hearing impairments) and we’ll ask your permission if we wish to use or share this information.
12.6 Use of ‘Your Information’
We may process ‘Your Information’ for a number of purposes including:
(a) Credit Referencing, Identity Checks and Fraud Prevention
(i) we may check and share your details with fraud prevention agencies and we’ll record (and pass
to the fraud prevention agencies) details of any false or inaccurate information provided by you or
where we suspect fraud. Records held by fraud prevention agencies will also be used by us and other
organisations to help prevent fraud and money laundering, for example, when checking details on
applications for credit and credit related or other facilities, managing credit and credit-related
accounts or facilities, recovering debt, checking details on proposals and claims for all types of
insurance and checking job applications and employees. Those fraud prevention agencies may disclose

information to law enforcement agencies where requested and necessary for the investigation of
crime. We and other organisations may access and use (from a country other than the UK) the
information recorded by fraud prevention agencies. Our legal basis we rely on to process Your
information in this way is our legitimate interests in order for us to manage our relationship with you.
(ii) we may also use and share your details for the collection of any debts owed by you. This may
include the use of debt collection agencies to collect debts on our behalf or may include the
assignment of debts to a third- party company. The assignment of debts will involve the sale of your
debt and account information to a third-party company – this information may include your name,
address and contact data, year of birth, debts owed, payment history and other information necessary

to help recover the debt. Our legal basis we rely on to process Your information in this way is our
legitimate interests in order for us to manage our relationship with you.